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Prevent common cold

Effective Ways to Prevent Common Cold – Doctor Telemed Guide

Introduction to Common Cold

The common cold is one of the most widespread illnesses, affecting billions of people every year. While there is no cure for the common cold, there are many methods you can use to prevent yourself from catching one in the first place. Read on to learn 12 of the most effective ways to stop a cold before it starts.

What is a Common Cold?

The common cold is a viral infection affecting the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, sinuses, eustachian tubes, trachea, larynx, and bronchial tubes. It is caused by over 200 different viruses, with rhinoviruses being the most common culprit.

Colds are highly contagious and can easily spread from person to person through airborne respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. They are most prevalent in winter and early spring when people spend more time indoors in close proximity.

Symptoms of Common Cold

A cold typically presents with common symptoms such as a runny or congested nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, mild body aches, mild headache, and a general feeling of being unwell.

Symptoms are usually mild and peak within 2-3 days of infection. Colds normally resolve on their own within 7-10 days. Some complications like sinusitis or ear infections can occur.

How Common Colds Spread

Colds spread through direct contact with respiratory droplets from an infected person. This can happen through:

  • Breathing in droplets floating airborne after a cough or sneeze
  • Touching contaminated objects like door handles then touching eyes or nose
  • Shaking hands with an infected person
  • Sharing food or utensils with anyone who is sick

The viruses can survive on surfaces for several hours. Proper hand hygiene is key to avoid transmission.

Prevention Methods for Common Cold

Handwashing and Hygiene

Regularly washing your hands is among the most efficient methods for avoiding catching or transmitting colds. Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to scrub all surfaces of hands and wrists. When soap is not available, using a sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol can effectively clean your hands.

Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose and Mouth

Viruses easily enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid rubbing these areas with unwashed hands. Use tissues to touch the face. Dispose of tissues immediately after use.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep and fatigue run down the immune system, making you more prone to infections like colds. To maintain good health and well-being, it’s crucial that adults get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night. Allow extra sleep if feeling run down or sick. Prioritize rest during a cold.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eat a balanced diet with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains for good health. These provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber to support immune function. It is important to maintain hydration by drinking ample amounts of water and herbal tea. Avoid excess sugar, salt, processed foods, and saturated fats that may compromise immunity.

Exercise Regularly

Moderate exercise boosts circulation and supports a strong immune response. It is crucial to engage in moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes per week for optimal health. Yoga and tai chi improve relaxation. Avoid overtraining which can weaken immunity. Rest adequately between workouts.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress hormones like cortisol suppress the immune system. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, journaling, or soothing music to lower stress. Get a massage or try laughter yoga. Set limits and take breaks from work or social media. Focus on positive emotions and connections.

Avoid Sick People

Avoid close contact with people showing cold symptoms. Viruses spread easily in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. Stay home from school or work when sick to prevent infecting others.

If you can, stay away from anyone who is sick. If this is not possible, try to remain at least six feet away from those who are sick. Colds are spread through close contact with infected people. 1

Disinfect Surfaces

Cold viruses can live on surfaces for hours after an infected person touches them. Disinfect doorknobs, remote controls, phones, keyboards and other high-touch areas. Use EPA approved disinfectants or bleach solutions. Open windows periodically to circulate fresh air.

Supplements and Herbs

Some supplements may slightly reduce cold risk and duration. Vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry extract have shown benefits. Echinacea may provide mild prevention. Garlic, honey, and ginger may also help. Consult a doctor before taking supplements long term.

Medical Prevention Options

Anti-Viral Medications

For people at high-risk of complications, doctors may prescribe anti-viral medication after exposure to the cold virus. These are most effective when started within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Side effects are possible.

Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays containing iodine have been shown to protect against cold viruses if used daily during peak cold season. Some side effects like nasal irritation can occur. This option may be beneficial for educators and healthcare workers.

Cough and Cold Medicines

Over-the-counter cough and cold medications only treat symptoms, not the viral infection itself. Some ingredients like antihistamines, expectorants, and decongestants may provide temporary relief from runny nose, coughing, or congestion when used as directed. They do not prevent colds from occurring.

Alternate Ways to Prevent the Common Cold


Steam inhalation, hot compresses, and warming foot baths may help alleviate cold symptoms. Cold compress on the forehead may lower fever. Stay hydrated and rest during hydrotherapy. Do not use steam with children due to burn risks.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils like eucalyptus, thyme, oregano, and tea tree contain antiviral and antimicrobial compounds. Diffusing them or applying diluted oils topically may help minimize cold viruses. Do not ingest oils without medical guidance. Perform a patch test before use.


Probiotic supplements contain beneficial gut bacteria that support immune function. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha also contain probiotics.

Home Remedies for Prevention

Chicken Soup

Warm broth and chicken soup help loosen congestion and soothe sore throats. The hot steam can ease cold symptoms. Soup also keeps you hydrated. Add garlic, ginger, onions, carrots, and celery for extra immune benefits. Go easy on salt to avoid dehydration.

Hot Drinks

Sipping on hot tea, lemon water, or warm apple cider throughout the day helps relieve congestion and prevent dehydration. Add honey, lemon, and ginger to taste. Avoid very hot liquids that could burn mouth or throat. Decaffeinated options are best for sleep.


Honey has antimicrobial effects and soothes sore throats. Look for raw, organic honey for the most benefits. Mix in lemon, ginger, and cinnamon to make a healing cold tonic. Avoid giving honey to infants due to botulism risk.

Prevention Through Vaccination

Status of Common Cold Vaccine

While researchers have spent decades trying to develop one, there is currently no vaccine that protects against the common cold. Because colds stem from over 200 viruses that mutate rapidly, vaccines cannot keep up. While a single vaccine is unlikely, researchers continue efforts to target the most common cold viruses. For now, focus on other prevention methods.

Prevention for Kids and Babies

Avoid Daycare Germs

Keep infants and young children away from crowded daycare settings during cold season if possible. Choose small care settings with good hygiene practices. Wash hands thoroughly when arriving home. Disinfect high touch surfaces like crib rails, toys, and door handles regularly.

Breastfeed Infants

Breastmilk provides powerful antibodies that strengthen babies’ immunity. Breastfeed newborns for at least 6 months when possible. Pump and store milk for later use. Switch nursing can help clear congestion. Ensure pump parts are properly sterilized after each use.

Teach Handwashing

Teach children proper hand washing technique from an early age. Have them sing a 20 second song or recite their ABCs while scrubbing. Remind them to avoid face-touching and coughing into hands. Monitor their handwashing before meals, after bathroom use, and after playing outside.

Prevention While Traveling

Sanitize Hands

Bring small bottles of hand sanitizer containing over 60% alcohol when on-the-go. Use frequently when touching public surfaces like airplane tray tables, door handles, railings, and elevator buttons. Wash hands with soap and water whenever possible.

Face Mask

Wearing a snug face mask decreases exposure to respiratory droplets from other people when in crowded, enclosed spaces like planes and trains. Look for 3-ply disposable surgical masks or cloth masks with a proper fit. Follow local public health guidelines.

Avoid Shared Surfaces

Avoid placing hands directly onto shared surfaces in public spaces. Use a tissue or elbow to touch light switches, faucets, toilet handles, touch screens etc. Opt for contactless payment methods when possible. Carry disinfectant wipes while traveling.


Can I get a cold from being cold or wet?

No, colds are not caused by temperature or weather. They are caused by viruses. You cannot catch a cold by going out in cold rain without a coat on. However, immune function may dip slightly in extreme cold, so bundle up appropriately for the conditions.

If I get the flu shot, am I also protected against colds?

No, the flu vaccine only protects against influenza viruses, not the rhinoviruses that cause colds. You still need to use proper hand hygiene, disinfecting, and other prevention methods to avoid getting a cold.

Can taking too many supplements like vitamin C prevent colds?

No, taking large doses of supplements does not help prevent colds and can even be harmful. Get vitamins and minerals from a well balanced diet instead. Talk to a doctor before exceeding any recommended supplement doses.

Should I avoid dairy products when I have a cold?

No good evidence shows dairy increases mucus production during a cold. However, dairy can be avoided if it worsens congestion symptoms. Opt for lower fat varieties and smaller portions. Stay hydrated with fluids like water, broths and caffeine-free tea.

If I feel a cold coming on, should I exercise and sweat it out?

No, intensive exercise can put strain on your immune system while fighting a virus. It is best to temporarily reduce exercise intensity and duration. Go for a walk instead of a jog. Prioritize rest and sleep above strenuous activity. Hydrate well during and after movement.


While no cure exists for the common cold, many lifestyle measures can help prevent the common cold and minimize symptoms when a cold strikes. Focus on proper hand hygiene, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding sick contacts, managing stress, eating a balanced diet, staying active, and getting adequate sleep. Be diligent with prevention methods during peak cold season. See a doctor if severe symptoms arise or persist beyond 10 days. With some daily precautions, you can stay cold-free this season!


This blog is solely for informational & educational purposes only. It is not a substitute to any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health-related concerns, it’s crucial to seek advice from a qualified healthcare provider.

In case of a medical emergency, immediately contact your healthcare provider or dial 911.

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