The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe symptoms and potentially serious complications. Taking steps to prevent the flu is important every year, but particularly critical during flu season which typically runs from October through May in the United States. Read on to learn 12 of the most effective methods to prevent the flu and stop the spread of influenza.
How Flu Spreads
Influenza or “the flu” is caused by influenza viruses which infect the nose, throat and sometimes lungs when inhaled. The flu easily spreads when people with the virus cough, sneeze or talk and droplets containing germs land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. Flu viruses also spread when people touch surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touch their eyes, mouth or nose. Being in close contact with someone who has the flu raises your risk of catching it as well.
Flu Symptoms
Common symptoms of influenza include:
- Fever and chills
- Cough
- Sore throat (Cold air can also cause sore throat)
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Muscle and body aches
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Vomiting and diarrhea, more common in children
Flu symptoms tend to develop quickly, within one to four days after infection. Most people recover within one to two weeks without requiring medical treatment. However, some individuals are at higher risk of flu complications like pneumonia which can be life-threatening.
Groups at High Risk of Flu Complications
Certain groups have a greater chance of developing dangerous flu complications and should take special care to prevent influenza. High risk groups include:
- Children under 5, especially those under 2 years old
- Adults 65 years of age and older
- Pregnant women and those up to two weeks postpartum
- Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
- People with underlying health conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders and weak immune systems
Preventing Flu with Vaccination
Getting an annual flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. Here’s how it works and who should get vaccinated:
- Flu shots expose you to an inactivated version of the virus to trigger antibody production so your body can recognize and fight off influenza if exposed.
- Annual vaccination is important as flu viruses change constantly and immunity wanes over time.
- Standard flu shots, high-dose shots for seniors, and nasal spray vaccination are available.
- The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get a flu vaccine unless they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.
- Common side effects are soreness at the injection site, low fever, muscle aches and headache which are temporary.
Flu shots can be obtained from your doctor’s office, pharmacies, health clinics, county health departments and many workplaces. Getting vaccinated reduces your changes of catching and spreading the flu.
Practicing Good Hygiene Habits
Practicing good hygiene is another fundamental way to prevent influenza. Follow these tips:
- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when washing is not possible.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow rather than hands to reduce spread.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth which are entryways for germs.
- Disinfect commonly touched surfaces like phones, doorknobs, keyboards and bathroom fixtures.
Developing good hygiene habits goes a long way towards preventing the transmission of common cold, influenza, and other illnesses. Teach children the importance of hygiene as well.
Additional Tips for Avoiding the Flu
There are additional steps you can take to lower your risk of getting the flu:
- Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick and stay home when you are ill.
- Get adequate sleep, manage stress and eat a balanced diet to support immune function.
- Engage in regular physical activity, which has been shown to boost immunity.
- Consider taking immunity boosting supplements like vitamin C, zinc, garlic and echinacea.
- Some people choose to wear a face mask in crowded public settings during peak flu season.
Following a healthy lifestyle and minimizing exposure to those who are ill can further protect you from influenza.
Treating Flu Symptoms at Home
Most people can treat mild-to-moderate flu at home with the following:
- Rest and sleep as much as possible. Avoid overexertion.
- Stay hydrated by drinking water, soup, juice and electrolyte drinks.
- Take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen for fevers, headache and muscle aches.
- Try natural remedies like honey, salt water gargles, mint tea, chicken soup and garlic for symptomatic relief.
- Use a humidifier and take steamy showers to ease congestion and coughs.
Let your body rest and recover, while managing symptoms as needed. Call your doctor if your symptoms don’t improve after a few days or worsen rapidly.
When to See a Doctor for the Flu
Contact your doctor if you experience any of the following:
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- A fever above 104°F that lasts more than a day
- Severe vomiting, especially if you cannot keep down any liquids
- Flu symptoms that improve but then return with fever and cough
Young children, older adults and those at high risk of complications should see a doctor promptly if they develop flu symptoms for evaluation and possible treatment.
Flu Prevention FAQs
How to prevent the flu?
The best ways to prevent the flu are getting an annual flu shot, practicing good hygiene like handwashing and covering coughs, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, disinfecting shared surfaces, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising, and taking antiviral medications if prescribed.
My whole family has the flu except me?
Since your whole family has the flu, be vigilant about precautions to avoid getting sick yourself. Wash hands frequently, don’t share utensils or drinkware, and disinfect common surfaces. Stay away from family members as much as possible and wear a mask near them. Monitor yourself for symptoms and call your doctor if you start to feel ill for advice on treatment.
How to prevent the flu after being exposed?
If you’ve been exposed to someone with the flu, prevention steps include getting a flu shot if you haven’t yet, taking antiviral medication if prescribed by your doctor, practicing good hygiene, avoiding crowds, increasing rest and fluid intake, and taking immunity boosting supplements like vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea.
How to prevent the flu naturally?
Some natural ways to help prevent the flu include getting enough sleep, managing stress, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables, taking probiotics and vitamin D supplements, gargling salt water, using essential oils like eucalyptus, and consuming foods and drinks that may have antiviral properties like green tea, garlic, and bone broth.
How do you prepare for the flu season?
To prepare for flu season, get your annual flu shot, stock up on cold medications, disinfectants, fluids, and comfort foods, have masks available, plan to stay home and rest if you get sick, arrange care for family members if ill, clean frequently touched surfaces often, teach children hygiene habits, monitor health alerts, and avoid crowded indoor settings at peak flu times.
Can I go to work if I have the flu?
No, you should stay home and away from others if you develop flu symptoms. You are most contagious in the first few days. Returning before you’ve fully recovered puts others at risk.
When should I get a flu shot?
The CDC recommends getting your flu vaccine in early fall, ideally by the end of October, before flu season starts. However, getting vaccinated later is still beneficial and vaccination typically continues through January or February.
Source: CDC Official Website
Preventing the flu through vaccination, proper hygiene, healthy habits and prompt treatment can go a long way towards staying well and protecting others during flu season. Consider implementing several of these effective flu prevention methods to keep yourself and loved ones safe and healthy.
Read Also: Flu Vaccination: Your Ultimate Guide to the Annual Flu Shot